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Dr Norman Lazarus

Portrait of Dr Norman Lazarus at home, wearing a hat

Dr Norman Lazarus is a Professor at the Centre for Human and Applied Physiological Sciences, King's College London, where he conducts research into healthy human ageing.


His research looks at our bodies' physiological systems; our skeletal, muscular and cellular function, and the immune system. The hypothesis behind this research is that physical activity, which is part of our evolutionary history, is essential for health.


Consequently, non-exercisers have a compromised physiology and while they may not yet be suffering from poor health, they do show reduced performance in nearly all physiological indices when tested. Not ill is not healthy.


In an era dominated by molecular medicine, it is ironic that most of the problems facing human health are a consequence of our behaviour. By looking at our patterns of exercise and diet, we can improve our ability to maintain good health. 

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